Imoto’s Imaginary Boyfriend

I created Imoto Ono only because I was playing around with Create-A-Sim genetics. I created them as Itoko Ono’s sister. I didn’t change Imoto’s looks at all. They appear as CAS created them (except for the outfits).

I created Imoto’s outfits. I gave Imoto they/them pronouns. I gave them preferences and attributes.

I’d forgotten what those preferences and attributes were when Imoto seemed to want to flirt with Kayleigh Marquez. Kayleigh bluntly refused any romantic interactions with Imoto. Kayleigh and Imoto remain good friends, however.

Aiden Andrews invited his friend Ava Middleton over for a 3-day stayover. No one else in the Ono household knew Ava at that point. There were introductions to be made.

Ava arrived on Alexander Goth Day. It’s a holiday when Sims drink, sing, tell stories, and enjoy the arrival of Flower Bunny.

Imoto and Ava went out to the hot tub to get acquainted. Imoto asked Ava if she was single. Ava replied that she was seeing someone. (She’s seeing Mary Anne Flint, by the way.)

Aiden joined Imoto and Ava in the hot tub.

Flower Bunny arrived and joined Imoto, Ava, and Aiden in the hot tub. Imoto and Flower Bunny hit it off immediately.

Imoto and Flower Bunny hit it off very well.

They hit it off very well.

The option “Ask to be boyfriend” appeared, but I wasn’t ready for that.

I looked up Imoto’s preferences and attributes. They’re interested in romance, with males only. (Flower Bunny is male.) They’re interested in woo-hoo with either male or female Sims. They’re Cheerful, Romantic, and Self-Assured.

Imoto was able to take a photo of Flower Bunny, but not take a photo with him. (This was the first sign of trouble.)

Imoto was able to make out in a closet with Flower Bunny, but woo-hoo, anywhere, was not an option. (Imoto was a Young Adult and Flower Bunny was an Adult, so it wasn’t an issue of age.)

Imoto Ono had a successful Alexander Goth Day.

Imoto went to bed, and Flower Bunny spent the night standing in front of the closet. He eventually disappeared.

After that, Flower Bunny appeared on Imoto’s Relationships menu. But Imoto wasn’t able to invite Flower Bunny over, and they weren’t able to travel together. It was like dating a ghost.

Imoto could call or text Flower Bunny. They could send Flower Bunny messages on Social Bunny. But any physical interaction was inaccessible.

I considered making this post a part of the Sims 4 is a Weird Game series.

Imoto and Ava went to the Festival of Lights together.

Imoto thought she saw her boyfriend in the distance, but it turned out not to be him.

Everything was reminding Imoto of Flower Bunny.

Imoto discover that by clicking on Flower Bunny’s portrait in their Relationships menu, there was the option to schedule a stayover.

So Imoto scheduled a 3-day stayover.

Other Sims autonomously interacted with Flower Bunny. So he wasn’t imaginary. (He wasn’t Imoto’s boyfriend, either. Imoto just imagined he was.)

But Flower Bunny didn’t do anything on his own. He just stayed in one spot all the time. The only way to do anything with Flower Bunny was to add him to a group and choose something like, “Go here together.” But, even then, you couldn’t go to another lot with him.

Imoto Ono had enough. They asked Flower Bunny to be “just friends.”


There’s a part of this story that I didn’t include, for the sake of brevity. Phillip convinced me that I should include it.

Alexander Goth Day ended, and Flower Bunny, rather than disappearing, remained standing by the closet.

Morning came, Imoto left for work, and Flower Bunny remained standing by the closet. I was afraid that I’d broken the game.

Aiden added Flower Bunny to a group, and they walked into the woods together. Aiden then removed Flower Bunny from the group, and travelled somewhere, leaving Flower Bunny in the woods.

“Like an abandoned puppy,” commented Phillip when I told him this part. That’s the comment that convinced me that I should include it.

Flower Bunny remained in the woods, standing still, all day. Sometime in the evening, Flower Bunny announced that he should be leaving now, thanks for hanging out with me, and walked back to the house. Then he disappeared.

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