Four Households

Ava Middleton invited Mary Anne and Clementine Flint over to her apartment one evening. She introduced them to her cat, Frankie.

Frankie kept his distance.

Ava had a little present ready for Clementine. It was a toy dinosaur.

They ate snacks and watched television.

Mary Anne and Clementine stayed until it was almost Clementine’s bedtime.

It was too bad it was snowing so heavily, thought Ava. The view is spectacular when the weather is clear.

The next day was New Years Eve. Anissa Gates invited their neighbor, Jade Darnell, over for a visit.

Anissa wanted Jade to stay the night, but Jade decided to go home before the midnight celebrations began.

Anissa Gates watched the televised celebrations alone.

A Teen Sim with a mysterious past moved into the Daisy Hovel Commune. Her name is Angel Docker.

Angel did well in her first week at Copperdale High School.

She’s been keeping up with her studies.

The house at Daisy Hovel has been steadily decorated with portraits over the generations of commune members. The current members don’t know who most of the Sims in the portraits are.

“Hey, Angel,” said Clayton Loser, “That portrait looks exactly like you! I wonder who it is.”

(The Sim in the portrait is Wendy Zimmer, and the resemblance is purely accidental.)

Henry and Mary Burke (but, really, mostly Henry) have been thinking that their cottage is too small.

Maybe if their place wasn’t so small, their occasional Teen boarders wouldn’t have to live in the basement, and maybe it would be nice for them to have some nearby fields to explore. Maybe, with a bigger place, we’d have more Teens accepting our offer for a safe place to stay.

“This place looks nice.”

“This place looks roomy.”

But Henry and Mary Burke have always “lived” in small houses. It’s what suits them.

“It’ll be alright, Henry,” says Mary, with confidence.


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