Kids Today

The Teens – Angel Docker, Erica Charles, Oscar Fleming, Charlie Harris, and Clementine Flint – met up at the park after school to, you know, just hang out and stuff.

Three questions, though:

Was that Charlie Harris, the active Sim who lives in Evergreen Harbor, or Charlie Harris, the clone?

Who’s Oscar Fleming?

Is Clementine Flint a Teen now?

Yes, Clementine Flint has aged into a Teen.

Her mom, Mary Anne, threw a birthday party. Clementine thought it was just okay, but she was too polite to say so. Erica Charles was the only other Teen there. Of course, her mom’s girlfriend, Ava Middleton, was there. And so was Clementine’s namesake, Clement Frost.

There’s a girl in Clementine’s class named Chipmunk Adams.

(I know that sounds like a name I would come up with, but I swear that Chipmunk Adams is a completely system-generated NPC.)

Ava Middleton: “Clementine, your mother says you’ve been off in your own world lately. Honey, you know you can come to me and talk about anything… anything at all.”

Clementine stopped by Ava’s apartment after school.

“So, um, yes, there’s this Sim at school that I kind of like…”

Clementine and Ava talked, and when Clementine got home, the ghost of Elise Andrews was there.

“…her name is Chipmunk. Can you believe that?”

Oscar Fleming is the newest member of the Daisy Hovel Commune. He’s a Teen, and he goes to most of the same classes as Angel Docker and Erica Charles.

The Commune doesn’t have many rules but it does tend to encourage Teens to go to school and do their homework.

Oscar had a major crush on Angel, but he’s been made aware that Angel and Erica are a rocksteady couple.

No one except Charlie Harris is sure if that was the Active Charlie or the Clone Charlie at the park.

Charlie Harris has convinced her clone to change her outfits, but only slightly.

The point, of course, was so that Sims could tell the two of them apart more easily.

Charlie was Charlie’s date to the Prom, and not just as friends.

Harrison Harris thinks: “Well, it’s unusual, but as long as my daughter’s happy…”

Harrison met a Sim in the neighborhood. Her name is Madalyn Kidd. They’re building a friendship, for now.

Mary Anne Flint: “Yes, Ava, I know you love your freedom, but I’d like you to consider joining households.”

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