Commuting Options

When I first started working for the company I work for, the office was located in Cascade. It wasn’t a very good commute. There wasn’t any practical way to commute except for a mile-long hilly walk. I don’t mind walking, but I like to have options. I was grateful to car2go, while it lasted.

My office is now in Pioneer Square. It’s awesome. I’m close to the Central Library. I’m close to the food court at Columbia Center. (Before telecommuting closed so many Downtown businesses, I was close to a lot of shopping as well.) The commute is a short ride on Link Light Rail. But I have many options. When light rail was under renovations, I rode the 60, with a transfer to either the 12 or the 2. When I was walking with a cane, and didn’t feel up to climbing the hill to Capitol Hill Station, I’d catch the 10 into Downtown, exit at Westlake Station, and catch Link from there. Some evenings, I’ll ride a bus up 3rd Avenue and catch a 10 or 49 home.

My company is moving out of its office in less than a year. There was much speculation about where we’d move to.

The company that acquired our company has several offices in the University District. I was hoping for a location there. The commuting options would be many – including hitching a ride with Phillip.

Our parent company also has offices in Northgate. I was dreading a move there. That commute would be terrible.

Today, an official announcement was made. In less than a year, my company would be moving to South Lake Union. I did not see that coming.

This has been on my mind all day. The only practical commute option will be the 8 bus, and a short walk. Light rail will be out of the options, unless I want to ride Link to Westlake Station, and then walk over to the South Lake Union Streetcar. It’s doable, but impractical.

For me, telecommuting is still not an option.


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