Imoto’s Imaginary Boyfriend

I created Imoto Ono only because I was playing around with Create-A-Sim genetics. I created them as Itoko Ono’s sister. I didn’t change Imoto’s looks at all. They appear as CAS created them (except for the outfits).

I created Imoto’s outfits. I gave Imoto they/them pronouns. I gave them preferences and attributes.

I’d forgotten what those preferences and attributes were when Imoto seemed to want to flirt with Kayleigh Marquez. Kayleigh bluntly refused any romantic interactions with Imoto. Kayleigh and Imoto remain good friends, however.

Aiden Andrews invited his friend Ava Middleton over for a 3-day stayover. No one else in the Ono household knew Ava at that point. There were introductions to be made.

Ava arrived on Alexander Goth Day. It’s a holiday when Sims drink, sing, tell stories, and enjoy the arrival of Flower Bunny.

Imoto and Ava went out to the hot tub to get acquainted. Imoto asked Ava if she was single. Ava replied that she was seeing someone. (She’s seeing Mary Anne Flint, by the way.)

Aiden joined Imoto and Ava in the hot tub.

Flower Bunny arrived and joined Imoto, Ava, and Aiden in the hot tub. Imoto and Flower Bunny hit it off immediately.

Imoto and Flower Bunny hit it off very well.

They hit it off very well.

The option “Ask to be boyfriend” appeared, but I wasn’t ready for that.

I looked up Imoto’s preferences and attributes. They’re interested in romance, with males only. (Flower Bunny is male.) They’re interested in woo-hoo with either male or female Sims. They’re Cheerful, Romantic, and Self-Assured.

Imoto was able to take a photo of Flower Bunny, but not take a photo with him. (This was the first sign of trouble.)

Imoto was able to make out in a closet with Flower Bunny, but woo-hoo, anywhere, was not an option. (Imoto was a Young Adult and Flower Bunny was an Adult, so it wasn’t an issue of age.)

Imoto Ono had a successful Alexander Goth Day.

Imoto went to bed, and Flower Bunny spent the night standing in front of the closet. He eventually disappeared.

After that, Flower Bunny appeared on Imoto’s Relationships menu. But Imoto wasn’t able to invite Flower Bunny over, and they weren’t able to travel together. It was like dating a ghost.

Imoto could call or text Flower Bunny. They could send Flower Bunny messages on Social Bunny. But any physical interaction was inaccessible.

I considered making this post a part of the Sims 4 is a Weird Game series.

Imoto and Ava went to the Festival of Lights together.

Imoto thought she saw her boyfriend in the distance, but it turned out not to be him.

Everything was reminding Imoto of Flower Bunny.

Imoto discover that by clicking on Flower Bunny’s portrait in their Relationships menu, there was the option to schedule a stayover.

So Imoto scheduled a 3-day stayover.

Other Sims autonomously interacted with Flower Bunny. So he wasn’t imaginary. (He wasn’t Imoto’s boyfriend, either. Imoto just imagined he was.)

But Flower Bunny didn’t do anything on his own. He just stayed in one spot all the time. The only way to do anything with Flower Bunny was to add him to a group and choose something like, “Go here together.” But, even then, you couldn’t go to another lot with him.

Imoto Ono had enough. They asked Flower Bunny to be “just friends.”


There’s a part of this story that I didn’t include, for the sake of brevity. Phillip convinced me that I should include it.

Alexander Goth Day ended, and Flower Bunny, rather than disappearing, remained standing by the closet.

Morning came, Imoto left for work, and Flower Bunny remained standing by the closet. I was afraid that I’d broken the game.

Aiden added Flower Bunny to a group, and they walked into the woods together. Aiden then removed Flower Bunny from the group, and travelled somewhere, leaving Flower Bunny in the woods.

“Like an abandoned puppy,” commented Phillip when I told him this part. That’s the comment that convinced me that I should include it.

Flower Bunny remained in the woods, standing still, all day. Sometime in the evening, Flower Bunny announced that he should be leaving now, thanks for hanging out with me, and walked back to the house. Then he disappeared.

Lows And Highs

Phillip and I hopped on a 60 bus this afternoon to Swedish Hospital to visit Shaylee. It was a sad trip.

Shaylee was under heavy medications so we didn’t stay long.

(Not Swedish, but near it. I just liked the view.)

Shaylee was not in the main hospital, but in one of the other buildings. Yesterday, I called Swedish Information to find out which building she was in.

The guy on the other end asked me how familiar I am with Swedish Hospital. I replied, “Not very.” I could hear an exhalation. I imagined him asking himself how he was going to explain it.

Before he started to explain it, I said, “The only part I’m familiar with is the main building on Broadway.” He seemed much lighter. He explained that the building we were looking for is right next door to the main building, on Cherry Street. He gave me the name of the building. He started to explain how to get to the parking garage, then he stopped himself and asked how were getting there. I told him we were taking the streetcar – which wasn’t the truth, but it seemed the easiest way to explain it. He seemed very relieved, and said, “Well, the streetcar stops right in front.” I think I made the call much simpler than he was expecting it to be.

We had no trouble at all finding the building.

As we left Swedish, and were walking toward Madison Street, Phillip suggested that we stop into Olmste(a)d.

A search on Google Maps said it was open.

We walked in about 45 minutes before the kitchen opened.

We looked at the drink menu. Phillip spotted something named Tepache SazĆ³n (pineapple wine with cinnamon). We both ordered it. Our food server was unfamiliar with it. They explained that they don’t get many requests for it.

We both loved it. We both ordered second bottles.

I had chicken sliders. Phillip had a burrata salad and took half of it home.

Meanwhile, In…

Bella Goth-Robards, as we all know, is the science baby of two vampires. She was born a vampire. She decided at an early age that the vampire lifestyle wouldn’t be for her. With her fathers’ permission, and assistance, she took the cure and transitioned to a mortal life.

I noticed recently that Bella’s Formal Outfit has a distinctly vampire look to it, however. (Phillip designed it, not me.) I see it as a tribute to her dads.

Bella is a University graduate, with a Distinguished Degree in Communications from the University of Britechester. She used her degree to enter a career as a Charity Organizer. She collected over 25,000 simoleons for charity.

Bella has decided that charity work was not for her. Her love is music. She entered a career as an Entertainer.

She has a level 10 skill in violin.

She’s learning to play piano.

Meanwhile, at a coffee shop in Newcrest…

Erica Charles and Angel Docker both have the Joke Star aspiration. They’ve found a coffee shop willing to let them use its performance space for free, so they can practice their comedy routines.

Meanwhile, in Brindleton Bay…

A new Sim has moved in with Aiden Andrews, Itoko Ono, and Kayleigh Marquez. Their name is Imoto Ono.

Imoto is Itoko’s sister, and cousin of the late Yuuko Ono.

Imoto has entered the Law career.

Later, at the Daisy Hovel Commune…

Angel: “What’s going on with you and Charlie Harris?”

Erica: “What are you talking about?”

Angel: “I saw you flirting with her.”

Erica: “I never… Wait. Which one of the Charlie Harrises are we talking about?”

Angel: “Wanna be my girlfriend?”

Meanwhile, at an anonymous location…

“What are the ethics of dating your clone? I’m just wondering.”

The Sims 4 Is A Weird Game, Part 10

Charlie Harris is a good High School student. It didn’t take her long to become an A student.

She and her dad bond over a love of fishing.

The Harris household doesn’t have a lot of money – only about 2,500 simoleons. They rented their apartment furnished, and have made only minor changes to the furnishings and decorations.

Harrison did splurge on some rather expensive curtains for both bedrooms, however. He felt it was necessary.

One Thursday, after school, Charlie phoned a couple of fellow students – Angel Docker and Erica Charles – and invited them over.

Angel and Erica came over and everyone had a great time.

It was a school night, and Harrison, a Teacher, insisted that everyone get their homework done.

Well, Angel and Charlie did their homework, anyway. Erica was more interested in talking.

The next evening, Angel and Erica stopped by, and were invited in.

Harrison thought to himself: “That Angel Docker seems like a nice Sim. I wonder if she’d be interested in dating my daughter.”

Charlie decided that she wanted to go to Prom. Her dad gave her some simoleons to buy a fancy new dress.

Ultimately, Charlie decided that the Formal Outfit she already had was good enough for a solo trip to Prom.

Although it was slightly embarrassing when there was another Sim there with the same outfit as her. And looked exactly like her. And had the same name as her. (The Sims 4 is a weird game.)

Charlie went to the after-Prom Party at the Pier.

Charlie had a fun time.

“Oh, Dad, I had a wonderful time. There was this Sim there…”

I Read: Summertime Rendering, Volume 1

Summertime Rendering, vol 1: Drifting Ashore, a manga written and illustrated by Yasuki Tanaka, was published in Japan in 2017. It was translated into English by Jocelyn Allen.

I read it on Hoopla.

It’s 211 pages long.

Shinpei is traveling from Tokyo to attend Ushio Kofume’s funeral.

Manga is read right to left.

He wakes up from a dream and falls face first into a stranger’s cleavage. (It’s that type of manga.) He’s on a ferry to Higoshima, a small island with a population of 700, specializing in fishing and tourism. He’s been away from Higoshima for two years.

When Shinpei’s parents died, ten years ago, the Kofume family took him in. Ushio was a childhood friend and also his family.

The Kofume family runs a bistro on the island.

Mio, Ushio’s little sister, is so excited to see that Shinpei has returned that she crashes her bicycle, and her skirt flies up as she falls over the edge of the pier and into the water. (It’s that type of manga.) Mio and Shinpei begin talking as if nothing has happened. Mio wants to know all about Tokyo.

At the funeral, Shinpei’s childhood friend, Sou, finds him. He tells Shinpei that Ushio died while she was saving a drowning child.

Several people are confused about why there’s going to be an autopsy. Ushio drowned, and there were witnesses. What could anyone learn from the autopsy?

Shiori Kobayakawa, the girl that Ushio saved, hasn’t spoken a word since the incident.

Shinpei learns that marks were found all around Ushio’s neck, like she’d been strangled. Not many people know that part of the story. That’s the reason for the autopsy.

Tetsu Totsumura, the island’s lone police officer, comes into Bistro Kofume with another mystery: The entire Kobayakawa family has disappeared.

The mysteries on Higoshima Island deepen, and take a supernatural turn.

This is a horror story.

It’s an interesting mix. It starts off as a tragedy, with some slapstick mixed in. Then it becomes a mystery that’s mostly solved, and becomes a ghost story. I thought it worked.

The artwork is excellent. It has the right amount of detail. The black and white shading is good. There’s a lot of variety in the shape and placement of the panels. (In other words, all the things I hope for in a manga.)

I like that thoughts and memories are shown in a different font. (I wonder what that looks like in the original Japanese.)

It’s pointed out that people on the island have a “country” accent. Shinpei grew up hearing it, but after being away from the island for two years, it takes him a while to get used to it. This is illustrated in the dialog.

(In the author’s notes, Yasuki Tanaka says that Higoshima Island is fictitious, but the story takes place in the prefecture they grew up in. I’m guessing that that’s the reason for the emphasis on the accent.)

I think it’s interesting that the island’s police officer is shown as a stereotypical American country sheriff – complete with cowboy hat and aviator shades. (Is this how police officers look on remote Japanese islands?)

I enjoyed this manga very much.

I don’t know how many volumes there are of this story, but Hoopla has 13 of them. I plan on reading some of them, at least. (Thirteen volumes in seven years? Is that right?)

Teens Take Over

Erica Charles and Angel Docker have become close friends.

Fellow commune member Clayton Loser has taken on the role of caregiver for the both of them.

When Erica and Angel went to their first Prom, there was a NPC there named Charlie Harris.

That reminded me.

I’d created Harrison and Charlie Harris, single dad and teenage daughter, a while ago, and never did anything with them. They sat in my Gallery, appearing as NPCs every once in a while.

After Charlie’s appearance at Prom, I decided to move them into an apartment in Evergreen Harbor and made them active Sims.

Charlie Harris is a new student at Copperdale High School. Harrison Harris is a Teacher at some other school. They don’t have many simoleons.

Harrison is on the market, ladies. He’s a great catch.

Angel and Erica went to their second Prom together.

(I was disappointed that Charlie wasn’t there.)

Their matching arm tattoos created some rumors.

Erica and Angel went to the after-Prom Party at the Pier.

They met a Sim named Charlie Harris, who, apparently, had decided to skip the Prom but join the Pier party.

“What’s the story with those two and their matching arm tattoos? Are they in some sort of commune, or something?”

Meanwhile, Clementine Flint will age up to a Teen in 26 days.

The State Of Things, Mid-June, 2024

I have yet to see Fare Ambassadors checking fares on station platforms.

Yesterday, Shelf Talk announced that access to eBooks at The Seattle Public Library would return on Thursday June 13 at noon. (That’s today.) Physical holds are still unavailable, and the library is still asking everyone to continue to hold onto the physical books they’ve borrowed.

And, true to their word, I can now borrow eBooks from SPL on Libby.

I have an eBook on hold at another library, with a 6 week estimated hold time. It’s available now at the Seattle Public Library. I’d cancel the hold, and borrow it, but I have another eBook on hold that will be available “soon,” and another eBook that’ll be available in ~2 weeks, so I’ll wait.

Last Sunday, Phillip (who, to my surprise, reads my blog) (that’s a joke) suggested that I buy a USB-to-headphone jack converter cable so that I can use earbuds on my phone (real earbuds, that is – not Bluetooth ones).

The converter cable I ordered arrived today. They work perfectly. I can now listen to videos that Brian sends me. Yea! (Smartphones still suck, however.)

By the way, those last two paragraphs are in reference to this blog post.

I am absolutely obsessed with Billie Eilish’s latest album, Hit Me Hard and Soft. Billie Eilish’s official YouTube channel has posted lyric videos of every song on the new item. I’ve been listening to them over and over.

When I went to return Emanon, vol 4, I saw that Hoopla has Hit Me Hard and Soft available for a 7 day loan. That’s amazing.

I Read: Emanon Wanderer, Part Three

Emanon, Vol 4, Emanon Wanderer, Part Three, by Kenji Tsuruta and Shinji Kajio, was published in Japan in 2018. It was translated into English by Dana Lewis and published in 2023.

Emanon, Vol 1: Memories of Emanon

Emanon, Vol 2: Emanon Wanderer, Part One

Emanon, Vol 3: Emanon Wanderer, Part Two

I read it on Hoopla.

It’s 209 pages long.

I was born with all my mother’s memories.”

She was born with Grandma’s, and Grandma with Great-Grandma’s.”

And so on and so forth… back to the birth of life on Earth.”

I don’t know why, but that’s just how I am.”

The story begins in 1980, with a girl known as Eiko. This is not the first time she’s been a child. She’s been born and reborn for billions of years.

The old lady who runs the neighborhood shop tells her that her husband has died. Then the old lady dies. Eiko has seen many deaths.

It’s 1988.

A boy Eiko’s never met calls her Emanon. He knows everything about her. He knows that she’s been living for all eternity. He knows everything about everything. He tells her that his name is Choichiro Kodzuki, and that he’s the man she’s going to marry. (They’re both high school students.)

Choichiro takes Eiko to a coffee shop so they can talk. Apparently, it’s some kind of “sex cafĆ©.” A waitress calls the school’s guidance counselor. Eiko is scared, but Choichiro keeps them out of trouble by revealing that he knows the counselor’s dark secret.

Choichiro calls his power his “Maktub” – an Arabic word for destiny.

Manga is read right to left.

Choichiro vanishes shortly after that.

Eiko’s father knows what going to happen to his wife, Eiko’s mother. It’s how this thing works. This endless cycle of birth and rebirth is not a gift.

Eiko, who used to be Ema, runs away and takes the name Emanon.

It’s 1990.

Emanon befriends a little boy named Shungo Haruta. She tells him about her best friend, Hikari.

What Emanon doesn’t tell Shungo is that Hikari has been travelling through time in a non-linear way for billions of years. Emanon never knows when Hikari will appear, or how old she’ll be.

Hikari has known Emanon since before Emanon was human. Emanon knows there will be an end for them both, but she has no idea how or when that will be.

I’ve fallen in love with this series. It’s touching, sad, and beautiful.

When I finished Volume Three, last October, I knew there was would be a Volume 4, but I wasn’t able to find it. Then, yesterday, I was browsing through Hoopla, looking for something to read, and found Volume 4. It had been published in the US last September. I hadn’t seen it when I found Cat + Gamer.

This volume ends with the words “To be continued,” and a cliffhanger epilogue. I’m very glad.

This remains, in my limited experience, my favorite manga.

Angel And Erica Go To Prom

Ratna Dent, the eldest member of the Daisy Hovel Commune, died of old age.

Ratna’s death left a vacancy in the commune. (The Daisy Hovel Commune accepts everyone who wishes to join, but some ancient rule says that the commune can hold only eight Sims at a time.)

The other seven commune members looked through the stack of applications they’d received.

Angel Docker, the newest commune member, and currently the only Teen in the household, put in a vote for a Teen Sim named Erica Charles. The other members agreed to Angel’s wish.

Erica Charles joined the commune.

Erica enrolled in Copperdale High School and is attending the same classes as Angel.

Erica seems to fit in well at the commune. She’s also a good student.

Angel and Erica get along well enough.

Angel had been going to Copperdale for about two weeks, and Erica had been going for less than one week, when they agreed to go to the weekly Prom, as friends.

They mingled and got acquainted with a few of their fellow classmates.

They danced.

The watched the ceremony. Neither one of them knew the students who were crowned Prom Royalty and Jester.

They didn’t complete any of the suggested Prom activities.

Erica was getting sleepy, so they agreed to skip the after-Prom party at the Pier.

“I’m so glad we went. This was fun!”

Four Households

Ava Middleton invited Mary Anne and Clementine Flint over to her apartment one evening. She introduced them to her cat, Frankie.

Frankie kept his distance.

Ava had a little present ready for Clementine. It was a toy dinosaur.

They ate snacks and watched television.

Mary Anne and Clementine stayed until it was almost Clementine’s bedtime.

It was too bad it was snowing so heavily, thought Ava. The view is spectacular when the weather is clear.

The next day was New Years Eve. Anissa Gates invited their neighbor, Jade Darnell, over for a visit.

Anissa wanted Jade to stay the night, but Jade decided to go home before the midnight celebrations began.

Anissa Gates watched the televised celebrations alone.

A Teen Sim with a mysterious past moved into the Daisy Hovel Commune. Her name is Angel Docker.

Angel did well in her first week at Copperdale High School.

She’s been keeping up with her studies.

The house at Daisy Hovel has been steadily decorated with portraits over the generations of commune members. The current members don’t know who most of the Sims in the portraits are.

“Hey, Angel,” said Clayton Loser, “That portrait looks exactly like you! I wonder who it is.”

(The Sim in the portrait is Wendy Zimmer, and the resemblance is purely accidental.)

Henry and Mary Burke (but, really, mostly Henry) have been thinking that their cottage is too small.

Maybe if their place wasn’t so small, their occasional Teen boarders wouldn’t have to live in the basement, and maybe it would be nice for them to have some nearby fields to explore. Maybe, with a bigger place, we’d have more Teens accepting our offer for a safe place to stay.

“This place looks nice.”

“This place looks roomy.”

But Henry and Mary Burke have always “lived” in small houses. It’s what suits them.

“It’ll be alright, Henry,” says Mary, with confidence.