It Is So Hot In Seattle…

It is so hot in Seattle that we received an office-wide email this morning to turn off all lights in unoccupied cubicles (which is always a good idea) and to close all the shades on all the windows, to avoid overheating the building.

I tried to come up with something to post to this blog last night, but I just couldn’t think of anything. It’s just as well – I don’t think I should force a blog post. Those never turn out well. Besides, something strange happened: The blog post I wrote Tuesday night – the one about NPR Music’s “Songs We Love 2015” – which I was sure I’d published, showed up suddenly yesterday afternoon. I don’t know if it was some glitch in WordPress (and I can’t remember the last time I saw anything go wrong with WordPress) or if I’d somehow messed up the publishing settings. Either way, I had a blog post for yesterday even though I didn’t write one.

It’s a three-day weekend for me – I have tomorrow off – and I’ve been almost faithful to route 47 this week. I’ve ridden it to work all four mornings, and have ridden it home twice. On Tuesday, I ran into my ex-wife Downtown, and we stopped to chat. As a result, I just missed a 47 at 4th & Pike and, rather than wait for the next one, I took the 43 home. On Wednesday (yesterday) I needed to pay the rent on my storage unit, so I had to catch the 10, 11, or 43. (A 43 came first.)

I decided to listen to more of NPR’s song list yesterday afternoon. Thanks to the wonder of cookies, the start button read “Welcome Back” rather than “Play” and, once I clicked it, picked up right after that Dwight Yokum song I still can’t remember the name of. I wrote down the names of a couple of songs that interested me.

I returned to the playlist for a majority of the day today – not quite all day, however. It seemed that, at the start, it played four or five Americana (country) songs in a row. It felt a lot like the randomizer on my iPod Shuffle. I wrote down the names of more songs – today, the majority were male voices.