Convention Food

I had two things I planned to buy at NorWesCon; a book and a bag. I bought the book on the first day. The bag took some searching. I needed a shoulder bag to replace the one I carry to and from work every day. My old bag was literally coming apart.

Every bag I found at the convention either didn’t have enough pockets, or it was too expensive for my budget, or it had a design that didn’t match my geekdom. I found bags that had enough pockets, but had a higher level of craftsmanship than my budget would allow. Or, I’d find bags at an affordable price, but with a design referencing something I wasn’t familiar with.

cthulhu bagToday, I found a good bag. It’s sturdy, has plenty of pockets, and had a good price. I’m not a huge fan of the Cthulhu stories, but I do like the design.

I was on my own for most of today. I didn’t do a whole lot. I wandered aimlessly through the convention. I hunted for shoulder bags. I talked to a woman about the Sherlock Holmes convention coming to Capitol Hill in the fall (and got another ribbon for my badge).

For lunch today, I had a cheeseburger at a makeshift cafeteria the hotel set up in one of the courtyards, specifically for the convention. Jen and Steve were there, and I had lunch with them.

After my lunch, Phillip caught up with me. He wanted to go to Jack In The Box. I went with him, but had only a milkshake.

It was after my second lunch that I found the Cthulhu bag.

chili dogFor dinner, I had a free chili dog at Hospitality.

Phillip was too busy working to join me for dinner. He will probably be too busy to go to any parties tonight.

Two Dollar Comb

I found a comb in the hotel gift shop for $1.99. That’s not too bad, I think.

Yesterday afternoon, Phillip went off to work, and I wandered around the convention on my own. I went through the Art show and the Dealers Room. There were some panels I was interested in, but, somehow, I didn’t get to them.

Phillip and I had planned to go to the Philip K. Dick Award ceremony, but as I was on my way there, Phillip sent me a text message. He was working late, and wouldn’t be able to make it. So I went alone. All six of the nominated authors were there, and they all did readings. Apex, by Ramez Naam, won. It sounds like a good book.

Phillip caught up with me while I was waiting in line for the burlesque show, after the award ceremony. Amber had promised to reserve seats for us, four or five rows back from the stage. We discovered that out seats were front row.

The burlesque show was named “Fangs”. It was vampire-themed. We ran into other friends there, of course, and Rob and I took on a mission to discover who sang the cover of “Bella Lugosi’s Dead” during Morgue Ann’s routine. We never did find out.

Phillip and I caught up with another group of friends after the burlesque show, and we party-hopped until two in the morning.

party hand

Party Hand